Sombrero encorvado negro ajustable
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It was carob pods – rather than locusts grasshopper that sustained John the Baptist while he lived in the wilderness preparing the way for the Messiah. Ceratonia siliqua, commonly known as the carob tree (from Arabic خَرُّوبٌ kharrūb and Hebrew חרוב haruv), St. John's-bread, or locust bean or simply locust-tree, is a species of flowering evergreen shrub or tree in the pea family, Fabaceae. It is widely cultivated for its edible pods and used an ornamental tree or grown in large carob orchards. The ripe, dried pod is often ground into carob powder, which is used to replace cocoa-cacao powder.
Australian certified organic carobs contain vitamins, minerals, and are a healthy alternative to most snack foods. Carobs are beneficial as they:
Contain tannins that are rich in gallic acid
Contains D-Pinitol. D-pinitol is a valuable compound related to the family of inositols.
Rich in insoluble fiber
Good source of vitamin E
Contain Thiamin (vitamin B), Riboflavin (vitamin B2), Niacin (vitamin A), alpha-tocopherol, and ergocalciferol (vitamin D2)
Full of antioxidants and phytonutrients
High in potassium and magnesium
Certified organic with no chemicals or preservatives.
Have 2-3 times the amount of calcium compared to cocoa, cacao
Free of a migraine-triggering compound
Have been used for stomach ailments and thought to aid in digestion
May help in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels
Carob has a low Glycemic Index, providing healthy option for conventional, diabetic, and paleo dietary lifestyles.
100% Cotton